Welcome to Directorate of National Cohesion and Values

//Welcome to Directorate of National Cohesion and Values

After the signing of the National Accord on 28th February 2008, one of the Long Term Issues identified under Agenda item 4 was that of consolidating national cohesion and unity. Subsequently, the Government through The Presidential Circular No. 1 of May 2008 assigned the additional mandate of National Cohesion to the Ministry of Justice National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs. It is consequent upon this that the Department of National Cohesion was formed.

On promulgation of the new Constitution 2010, the mandate of the Department was further grounded under articles 4 and ten on National Values. The mandate was also grounded under articles 131(2) c, d and e and also article 132 (c) i and ii. Under the latter two articles, the department’s mandate arguments the exercise of the Presidential Authority and functions regarding the promotion of National Unity, Ethnic Diversity, National Values and Social Justice. In the same time, the Department was formerly established by the Public Service Commission through the approval of the scheme of service for cohesion officers.

After the new government restructuring in May 2013, the directorate was strategically moved to the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government through the Executive order No. 2 of May 2013 to execute the National Cohesion and Reconciliation Management mandate. The Department focuses on three direct mandates of the Presidency, namely the promotion of national unity, national interests and national values.

The Directorate is currently involved in the running of key programmes aimed at internationalizing Articles 4 (2), 10(2), 131 (1) (e) and 132 (1) (c) (i) and (ii). Critical programmes being run by the Directorate include:

  • Promotion of National Cohesion and Integration;
  • Promotion of Healing and Reconciliation;
  • Promotion of National Values and Principles of Governance;
  • Capacity building of the staff and the Directorate; and
  • Preservation and promotion of the National Cohesion and National Values memory.